The CSA’s choral program has long been one of the most beloved and well-known musical offerings in Elkhart County. Each year over 120 young singers ages 8-18 engage in weekly rehearsals and at least two concerts per year, often giving additional performances in the community. This fall, choir directors Kristin Kauffman and Sandy Hill described some of the highlights of each choir this semester, and also gathered a few stories from choir members themselves on the positive impact that their choir participation has had on their lives.
Shout For Joy
Shout For Joy is composed of talented singers in grades 6-8 from all over the Michiana area…some singers as far away as Michigan! Shout For Joy is directed by Sandy Hill , accompanied by Matthew Hill and assisted by Goshen College music major Aysia Adkins.

Sommo Voci

Brothers Stefan, Isaya, and Elias Magatti are members of Rejoice, Sommo Voci, and Shout for Joy, respectively.