Goshen College Music Together

Music Together is an internationally recognized early childhood music and movement program for children from birth through age 8—and the grownups who love them™. First offered to the public in 1987, it pioneered the concept of a research-based, developmentally appropriate early childhood music curriculum that strongly emphasizes and facilitates adult involvement.

Bringing Harmony Home!

Music Together classes are based on the recognition that all children are musical. This research-based program uses playful song and movement to help children learn to sing in tune, keep a beat and gain confidence in the music of their culture. Class offerings in Elkhart County include mixed age Family Classes for children from birth to age five, FREE eight-week classes for babies from birth to 8 months of age, and Rhythm Kids classes for big kids, ages five through seven. Classes are held at regular intervals throughout the year at locations throughout Elkhart County.

Goshen College Music Together® Classes:

FOR QUESTIONS OR TO REGISTER: Call the Music Center Main Office at (574) 535-7999. You may also register and pay online for Family and Rhythm Kids classes through ActiveNet. Please note: when registering multiple children for a Music Together class online, be sure and add all participating children to your “cart” BEFORE completing registration and payment.


Purchase a gift certificate for someone in your life with little ones. Gift certificates can be purchased by clicking here or by calling the Music Center Main Office at (574) 535-7999.

The “Purple Pass”

PurPass50Community School of the Arts students and their immediate family members may attend many events at the Music Center for free that others pay admission to attend via the Music Center’s “Purple Pass.” Click for more information.