What to expect in class

Children will be children. Some young ones will be busy crawling or exploring, some may be having a grumpy day, some will need to get a drink of water or use the restroom. All of these things are normal and expected. If your child does become extremely upset, we do ask that you step into the hallway with them until they are calmer so that class may continue for the other families.

The grownups are the examples and models for our children. Please join the teacher in being a musical model for your child and all of the children in your class. We warmly invite you to join the teacher in singing, play, movement, and music making no matter your perceived ability level. Children learn best from people with whom they have an emotional connection with – that’s you!

Please redirect your child if they begin running, or climbing on furniture. We want to avoid falls, and collisions and games of tag that inevitably occur when a child starts running and others join them.

This class is not a performance based class. Instead we will be using experimentation, discovery, play and experiences because these are the ways that children learn best. This means, each child is going to experience class differently according to their age, personality, experience, etc.  Please encourage your child to participate, but be willing to let them participate in their own way and in their own time.

This is a time for bonding and making musical memories. We hope you enjoy this reserved spot in your week to come and play with your child.

We encourage you to keep your cell phone away during the class time.  An occasional picture is ok but we want you to be present with your child.

Tuition and Attendance

Make up classes are allowed for any class that you miss. Please contact your teacher if you have missed or know you will miss a class and want to make it up.  It is helpful if you check the website schedule of classes so you can let your teacher know which class is your preference.  Your teacher will then let you know of the availability of space in that class for a makeup. 

 We will follow most weather related closures that are stated by Goshen Schools.  Your teacher will send out a text for confirmation of canceled classes and these will be made up later.

 Other family members of your household are welcome to join the class with you, including siblings that are 6 or older as long as they are going to participate in a cooperative way. (Please check with your teacher first. Some classes are already large and the size of the classroom may inhibit bringing many extra family members.)

 Class space is limited. If you register and then find that you cannot attend please ask to withdraw from the class to open a space for another child.

 Sibling discount is for children who are siblings or living in the same household.

 If for some unforeseen health reason, or other situation out of your control you are not able to make it to the majority of your classes please talk with us.  We may be able to give you some credit toward your next class session.